Monday, September 21, 2015

Personal Article Review

The scope of the project was about how a workplace decided to give workers more freedom and what occurred when they did. When you allow people to have more freedom and time to do what they want, they perform better. That is also the author's argument as well. The strength of the article was the good word choice and the explanation of the topic. However, the weakness was that some the information that was explained became a little bit vague. The author generally concludes that freedom in the workplace provides more benefits than a more time structured place. The author's argument supports the main points, and the evidence IS convincing. There is nothing I do not understand in the article. My general conclusion is the author made a lot of good points.

“I was always semi-literate,” Marlette joked. But he really appreciates the new agility he’s seeing in the newsroom management, he said. “Shoot, they let a cartoonist start writing a column.”

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