Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Logo

THE MEANING: I really enjoyed creating my logo. While I was brainstorming ideas, I wanted to incorporate editing the shape of the letters. I am happy that I got my desired effect while creating it. I also wanted the logo to reflect a part of who I am. I've been singing since I was five and have had a passion for it ever since, performing wherever I have the opportunity. The microphone is not only based around my passion of singing, but also because I am a very social, outspoken person and love expressing my opinions about the events occurring today. 

COLOR: While creating the logo, I had many ideas of what I wanted the color to be. I wanted the colors to be bold and to reflect my personality. I experimented with blue and yellow first, because they were both energetic colors. However, they didn't look right with the logo. I tried making the microphone and cord pink, but I didn't want to make the logo too girly. Finally, I used a dark shade of pink for the accent and a dark blue/ navy color for the mic. I really like the contrast of the colors. I believe this still gives the sense of femininity but also implies an energetic yet serious mood.

FONT: I chose a simple font for the C and the S, then edited the shape of both to connect them and give the illusion of a cord. I am happy that I can still clearly see the C and the S (the initials of my name), yet I can also tell what the shape is supposed to be.

SHAPE: I wanted the logo to have lots of depth to it and to have a creative element incorporated in it.  The simplicity of the logo is exactly what I wanted. It is not too complex- just enough to project the idea. Therefore, the shapes I used were simple, yet the outcome was effective.

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