Thursday, August 20, 2015

Michaela Review

This video featured a girl named Michaela who lifts weights and competes with her father as her coach. It features her family and and a competition that she goes to.

The most commonly used shots in this video were extra wide shots and close ups. These shots showed us the technical parts of Michaela's lifting, certain emotions, and other tasks, Extra wide shots provided a answer to where they were in a room/place. The story being told was about Michaela's normal teenage life along with her passion for weightlifting. It was told through scenes at home, training with her father, and at competition. I would apply the technique of using objects, like the weights used in the video, to focus on in a shot (with the rule of thirds). I have learned about mid shots, which the creator of this video used well throughout the video. The creator did a nice job capturing Michaela's emotions through close up shots of her. They could improve on not repeating shots and could also work on splitting a video to make sure it's telling a story well. 
Overall, this was a well made video that could have used a little improvement, but it got the story across well, so it did what it was supposed to do.

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