Monday, December 7, 2015

Multiply and Exposure Tutorial

In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to use simple masks and editing techniques to alter images into bolder looking, more eye-catching pictures. 

Original Image
As you can see, the original image is already very nice looking, however, for this tutorial, I am going to make the colors and exposure POP!

Step 1

Make a copy of the photo and add a second layer on top by using COMMAND-J on your keyboard. Now we have two of the same photos merged together.

Step 2

Use the multiply filter on your copied layer. You will notice an extreme change in contrast and color.

To make the difference a little less extreme, go to the opacity bar and set it to a lower percent than 100. I used 70% to keep the change a little drastic but not overwhelming.

After Changing The Opacity

Step 4

I added extra exposure to make the image a little brighter. I also changed the offset as well to alter the changes. As you can see in the picture of the layers, you can tell what you've done by referring to the layers panel.

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