Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Assignment: eCommunications Interview

In eComm, I have learned many things. It is important to stay focused in class, take notes when you feel the need/when you are learning how to use new tools, and to communicate in your group during a collaboration assignment. Communications and teamwork is key, and I learned how to cooperate more and more throughout this strand with others in my group. Sharing ideas is essential when discussing a project throughout the group. How else will you get your point across? If someone in your group is more reserved, you can ask them how they think the video should look. They will usually start talking and have good input on the discussion. Using shortcuts on Final Cut Pro has made making videos 100X easier. I used the blade tool (command b) the most in order to cut videos precisely, as well as the arrow keys to start/stop a video in the correct frame to make everything flow well. I have enjoyed the video strand and I will consider it when thinking about the stands I will focus on next year.

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