Friday, April 24, 2015


I am a part of team #1. Our idea for our product was called Space Specs. The video effectively shows what our product is about. However, I will give a brief overview.
Space Specs are “telescopic glasses” that let you view space by sunglass-looking lenses (or specs). They are convenient and contain the same power, focus, and zoom as a high-quality telescope, but they are easier and more fun to use.

Our team worked together to produce a simple yet effective storyboard. We used every shot that we filmed, and we re-filmed some shots a few more times that others. We focused on lighting, mood, and style while setting up the shots. We decided that we also needed voice-overs for further explanation in the commercial. This made the video look and sound much better. While editing the video, the only time I faced a problem was dealing with time. I struggled between choosing weather to make the video 1 minute or a minute 15 seconds, but I finally decided on making the video a minute. I enjoyed creating this video.

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