Monday, November 30, 2015

Hour 6 Video Critiques


Positive: There were a good variety of interviews, and the B-roll was nicely done.
Constructive: Some interviews sounded muffled and the volume levels needed to be adjusted.


Positive: The interviews are very clear sounding and the volume is at a good rate.
Constructive: The voice over almost seemed non-existent, because it's level of volume was such a dramatic change from the interview.


Positive: The interviews were good and there was a nice variety of footage.
Constructive: The camera was slightly shaking and the sound byte cuts were a little too short.


Positive: The interview was well framed and edited.
Constructive: There was not enough b-roll and natural noise at the beginning and end.


Positive: The voice over sounded animated and intriguing.
Constructive: The volume levels in the video could be adjusted, and the transition of B-roll is too quick and hurried.


Positive: Voice overs for this project were very well written. It sounded professional.
Constructive: The interview was slightly boring and confusing, and the footage was shaky.


Positive: All shots in the video were stable and framed well.
Constructive: The interview was bland and a little confusing. The voice overs could be a little longer.


Positive: The story was nice and positive. It would make a viewer feel comfortable with donating blood.


Positive: The volume levels in the interviews sound very good.
Constructive: The video needs J and L edits and the voice overs sound very monotone and boring.


Positive: The B-roll is nice and stable.
Constructive: There was only one interview, and it was at the end. The video did not follow the guidelines. 


Positive: There was a good variety of B-roll, as well as interviews. 
Constructive: The voice overs sounded very similar to the interviews, and word choice was repeated often.


Positive: The interviews were nice and stable.
Constructive: The voice overs sound a little monotone, and the interview volume level could've been adjusted.


Positive: There is a good variety of B-roll, but it's a little too quick.
Constructive: The story is a bit weird and wasn't exactly a positive position. It could scare some potential donors.


Positive: The B-roll was nicely done and I enjoyed how it was framed around the interviewees as well.
Constructive: Some volume levels could be adjusted.


Positive: There was a nice variety of B-roll.
Constructive: The position of the story was comedic, but yet again it's just a little too descriptive/graphic.


Positive: The B-roll was well made and the use of it was good.
Constructive: Tje interview volume could be worked on. Make sure not to include another interviewer's voice.


Positive: The B-roll was stable and there was a good variety of it.
Constructive: Shively's fear of needles and his friends' bad experiences should be cut out. This video is made to prompt e the blood drive, not to scare people away.


Positive: NA
Constructive: NA


Positive: The transitions in the J and L edits were good. 
Constructive: Some of the interviews were framed incorrectly.


Positive: There is a good use of past-tense voice overs.
Constructive: Some volume levels could be adjusted. Try to make the voice overs sound a little less like you are reading them.


Positive: The interview volume was good, there was nice framing as well.
Constructive: You should be promoting more good experiences, the voice overs could sound a little less read.


Positive: There is good B roll and the first interview was very well done.
Constructive: You do not have to introduce every interviewee in your voice-overs.

Reflection: What I noticed that needs to be improved most is the quality of footage and framing. The sound should be balanced throughout the entire video. Some of the videos seemed a little "cut-off" so they could've met longer requirements.

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